
This is an attempt to collect data in an ethical way and to be open about it. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask with the "Inquiries" section on the About page.

Always-recorded Data

The following data is always recorded:

  • When and how many times a particular page or card is generated or viewed
  • When and how many times a particular page or card is shared or downloaded
  • When and how many times links are clicked

This data does not include location or IP address information, preferred language information, how long you spend on the page, what browser you are using, or anything else not listed above.

Opt-outable Data

This following data is only collected if permitted by the browser's Do Not Track preferences and the opt-out setting below:

  • Rough location in the world, timezone, and which language your browser prefers
  • IP address specific to the first 2 parts (the 3rd and 4th are not recorded)
  • Which pages you visit, which cards you create, and which actions you perform on the website
  • When and how long your visit is
  • How large your screen is and which browser you are using
  • How long it took the website to load
  • How you got to the website

This data is stored separately from the always-recorded data.

Please note that this opt-out function requires JavaScript and may malfunction due to ad blockers, tracking blockers, and cookie settings.


This data may be shared with a 3rd party, but it will never sold. This is to allow someone like a news outlet to say something like "more than 100 people from our city made uninvitations." This is also to allow the website to publish final results of the most popular cards and options. However, this data may be shared or published in more ways than these two examples.


This site by default does not use cookies. There is no point in recording returning visitors for a one-time gag like this. If you are returning, then you are probably showing the site to someone else.

Cookies will be used if you check the opt-out preference above (we have to remember somehow).

This website may use cookies added by Cloudflare, a service that helps to host the website. Cloudflare will store a unique ID in this cookie. However, this ID is anonymous and cannot be used to track users across multiple websites. They use these cookies to detect malicious traffic and to protect the website. By using this website, you consent to these cookies.

Collection & Storage

All of this data is collected internally. No 3rd parties store or collect any data.